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Thursday, September 26

9:00am CEST

National Archives Committee - Open meeting
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am CEST

The aim of today's session is to coordinate future discussions for the National Archives Group by planning a series of virtual meetings throughout the year. These meetings will address topics of mutual interest, to be determined collaboratively by the group. Potential subjects for discussion include Updating acquisition policies, Managing privacy and copyright concerns in preserving digital materials (in the cloud and locally), and Exploring the opportunities and challenges posed by AI in institutional contexts.
avatar for Günther Giovannoni

Günther Giovannoni

Head, Swiss National Sound Archives
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:00am - 10:00am CEST
Matilde Salvador

9:00am CEST

AI in Practice II
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am CEST
This session consists of 3 presentations and a joint Q&A with the presenters. The session contains:

➺ Jonas Kucharsky - (Un)Like Shazam: Towards an AI Model of Sound Recognition in Archival Context (Short presentation)

➺ Sami Meddeb, chaouki ben alia , chedly ganouchi - Preserving the Authenticity of Radio Archives Amidst the Evolution of Artificial Intelligence and Synthetic Media (Short presentation)

➺ Stefan Kaltseis - Can you read what you hear? A Report on an ongoing project implementing speech recognition at the Austrian Mediathek (Short presentation)


➺ (Un)Like Shazam: Towards an AI Model of Sound Recognition in Archival Context
Jonas Kucharsky (Short presentation)
One of the crucial issues of sound archiving in a film archive context is content identification, as period film sound can be stored in various formats on various media (optical soundtracks, sepmag, commag, tape, mono, stereo, etc.). Without proper identification, historical sound is never truly preserved, however ear analysis and meticulous comparison of preserved sound archivalia with film works can be a lengthy and complex process. This presentation focuses on possible means of automatic sound recognition and categorization on a case study of production magnetic tapes and foley recordings preserved in the Národní filmový archiv in Prague.

The initiative delves into the complexities of sound recognition. By examining algorithmic methods of sound analysis (e.g. spectrogram cross-correlation, audio fingerprinting etc.) the paper presents multiple approaches to identifying and categorizing foley sounds. These techniques not only facilitate the identification of sound from deteriorating magnetic tapes but also serve as the foundation for creating an AI model that can recognize and classify archival sound recordings.

This research sheds light on the significance of advancing sound archiving practices through algorithmic methods and emerging AI technologies. By offering insights about our work in progress, the project also aims to create an international dialogue about possible means of collaboration on open datasets and methods of sound categorization and identification. The broader implications for sound archiving underscore the potential of algorithmic methods and AI models to safeguard and revitalize our audiovisual heritage, ensuring that the rich tapestry of foley sounds remains an enduring legacy for future generations.

➺ Preserving the Authenticity of Radio Archives Amidst the Evolution of Artificial Intelligence and Synthetic Media
Sami Meddeb, chaouki ben alia , chedly ganouchi (Short presentation)
Over the past year, technological advancements in artificial intelligence have witnessed remarkable progress, leading to the emergence of deepfakes and synthetic media. This development poses a significant threat to the authenticity of digital archives, particularly those of Tunisian radios.
These archives are essential resources not only for understanding history but also for reporting and investigations. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure their long-term reliability and integrity.
Hence, the following question arises: How can we ensure the reliability and integrity of digital media archives, especially those of Tunisian radio?

➺ Can you read what you hear? A Report on an ongoing project implementing speech recognition at the Austrian Mediathek
Stefan Kaltseis (Short presentation)
A comparison with the digital turn of the late 20th century comes to mind. In the 1990s, the invention of digital formats such as WAVE was all about the possibilities of permanently preserving analogue A/V media and making it accessible. With the establishment of AI systems, another digital turn is now on the horizon. Speech recognition and other indexing of digital audiovisual media through AI-based methods is the next major intervention into the core of audiovisual archives. Compared to digitalization, however, speech recognition does not serve as a means of safeguarding, but rather as a meaningful enrichment.
The Austrian Mediathek is currently in the process of integrating the open-source-based speech recognition tool Whisper, which was published by OpenAI in 2022, into the archive's digitization workflow. The resulting metadata – in the form of automatically created txt- and timecoded srt-files – should not only serve the desired accessibility, but above all significantly improve and simplify searchability and findability within the catalogue system.
The lecture will give an overview of the development of this ongoing project and will answer questions about the advantages and disadvantages of textualization of acoustic sources.
Tagging that will be easier to carry out and a more precise indexing of audiovisual content will be discussed, as well as the possibilities of better findability: can hidden treasures be found this way? But the question of what happens when we make the audiovisual archive "readable" should not remain unasked. After all, listening to the sources should not be replaced.

Moderators Speakers
avatar for Jonas Kucharsky

Jonas Kucharsky

Curator of Music and Sound, Národní filmový archiv, Prague
Jonas Kucharsky is an alumn of the Musicology department of the Masaryk University, Czech Republic. He studied at Humboldt University in Berlin and Cardiff University. He is a curator of music and sound at the National film archive in Prague. His research topics are experimental music... Read More →
avatar for Sami Meddeb

Sami Meddeb

Digital Cooperation Association
Sami Meddeb has been working as a digital audiovisual archivist for 8 years and is the president of a digital cooperation association focused on cultural heritage preservation, specifically digital audiovisual archives. Throughout his career, he has developed multiple projects in... Read More →

chaouki ben alia

Chaouki Ben Alia, holds a PhD in Physics and a Master's degree in Computer Science, is currently dedicated to the detection of deepfakes through audio spectrogram analysis. His multidisciplinary expertise allows him to explore advanced signal processing techniques to identify alterations... Read More →

chedly ganouchi

Chedly Ganouchi is a student of computer science at the Higher Institute of Communication. He is working in collaboration with a team on a project for the detection of audio deepfakes, aiming to preserve the authenticity of Tunisian radio heritage.
avatar for Stefan Kaltseis

Stefan Kaltseis

Audiovisual Archivist, Österreichische Mediathek
Stefan Kaltseis is head of A/V-digitization at the Austrian Mediathek. He studied cultural anthropology and philosophy at the University of Vienna. His work as a media archivist focuses on the implementation of numerous digitization projects and cooperations, including with the Viennese... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am CEST
Aula Magna

9:00am CEST

Community Collections III
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am CEST
This session consists of 5 presentations and a joint Q&A with the presenters. The session contains:

➺ Eric Dawson, William Isom - Uncovering, Sharing and Preserving Black Stories in Southern Appalachia (Long presentation)

➺ Gustavo Navarro - Trabajadores Migrantes en los Complejos Mineros de la Patagonia Austral (Argentina) (Short presentation)

➺ Laura Batitucci, Glênis Cardoso - Focusing on the Queer Super-8 films Digitized by the Digitalização Viajante (Traveling Digitization) Project in Brazil (Short presentation)

➺ Jo Ana Morfín, Sandra Real - Performing Archives: building the history of Movimiento Discotheque in México (Short presentation)

➺ María Domínguez - Sin grandes archivos ni colecciones, exploramos películas del pueblo Asháninca en la selva central del Perú. (Short presentation)


➺ Uncovering, Sharing and Preserving Black Stories in Southern Appalachia
Eric Dawson, William Isom (Long presentation)
The Tennessee Archive of Moving Image and Sound (TAMIS) holds a large collection of audio-visual materials created in and related to the Appalachian region. It has worked with many community partners, including Black in Appalachia, which seeks to highlight the history and contributions of African-Americans in the development of the Mountain American South and its culture. This program will detail several collaborative projects between the two organizations, with Black in Appalachia incorporating TAMIS materials into documentaries that tell untold or little-known stories, such as that of Black Impressionistic artist Beauford Delaney’s origins in Knoxville, Tennessee, and the 1919 Knoxville race riots, which led to the preservation of a forgotten 1919 newsreel. Excerpts from the films will be shown.

➺ Trabajadores Migrantes en los Complejos Mineros de la Patagonia Austral (Argentina)
Gustavo Navarro (Short presentation)
La Patagonia Argentina es la región más austral, caracterizada por el aislamiento, las grandes distancias, y un entramado social particular conformado por distintos movimientos migratorios. A principio del siglo XX, su desarrollo económico comenzó con la creación de estancias para la cría de ovejas por parte de inmigrantes procedentes de Europa, galeses, españoles, croatas, ingleses e italianos; el segundo movimiento de inmigrantes provino de las provincias del norte que en los años 50 se radicaron para trabajar en el petróleo; décadas después, en los años 90, otra inmigración interna también llegó de las provincias del norte para trabajar en las minas.
La Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral ha digitalizado un gran volumen de material documental (actas y memorias) para su preservación; sin embargo, la historia oral ofrece nuevas miradas y perspectivas vacantes en la historiografía local. El presente trabajo propone la creación, preservación y acceso al patrimonio sonoro de la región patagónica. Se prevé la creación de una colección de testimonios de trabajadores inmigrantes de las minas; se propone la reconstrucción de sus historias de vidas y los modos de sociabilidad en esas comunidades geográficamente aisladas.
Se utilizará un software de gestión documental con metadatos de preservación, copias de seguridad y emulación de acuerdo al formato del archivo sonoro. Se pondrá a disposición de la comunidad a través del repositorio de objetos digitales “Memorias de la Patagonia Austral” (Ver: www.koluel.org).

➺ Focusing on the Queer Super-8 films Digitized by the Digitalização Viajante (Traveling Digitization) Project in Brazil
Laura Batitucci, Glênis Cardoso (Short presentation)
From October 2022 to February 2023, the project Digitalização Viajante (Travelling Digitization), developed by the Brazilian Film Digitization Initiative (IDFB) and the Brazilian Association for Audiovisual Preservation (ABPA), traveled through 6 different Brazilian cities (Brasília, Recife, João Pessoa, Teresina, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo) with a portable Super-8 and 8mm scanner and a portable workstation, digitizing in 2K over 300 films in different archives, houses and universities. The project aimed to address the lack of digitization initiatives in Brazil that focus on small-format amateur, independent, and "orphan" films. With some regions in Brazil lacking digitization facilities, there remains a gap in public access to the film histories of certain areas of Brazil and our project tried to address this.

The project Digitalização Viajante was successful in digitizing numerous works that had never been seen or had been forgotten over time. Among all the works we digitized, some represent a wave of radical queer cinema which took place within the Northeast of Brazil in the late 70s and early 80s. Films like "Closes" (1982), by Pedro Nunes, "Baltazar da Lomba" (1982), by the collective Nós Também, and "Era Vermelho seu Batom" (1983), by Henrique Magalhães, among many others, did not have a high quality digital copy yet and were on the verge of being lost.

This presentation intends to focus on the history behind these films and the context that they were made, but also on how the Travelling Digitization project was developed and executed.

➺ Performing Archives: building the history of Movimiento Discotheque in México
Jo Ana Morfín, Sandra Real (Short presentation)
On May 30, 2024—the date commemorating one year since "Música Sonidera" was designated as Intangible Heritage of Mexico City —the digital repository Memórica. México Haz Memoria will present the exhibition "Movimiento Discotheque" by the transwomen curator Aret Muñoz.
According to Aret Muñoz, the history of High Energy, Techno and Electronic Music in Mexico is built on five shared events: Territoriality, Dance, Graphic Identity, Sexual Dissidence, and Autonomous Technologies. Therefore, exhibiting the history of these Music movements will require a more creative approach than simply presenting digitized objects.
This exhibition aims to promote "making/doing" as a preservation approach, as well as connecting diverse communities of practice such as VJs, DJs, archivists, historians, street artists, and so on.
Based on the concept of materiality as relational patterns (Sorensen, 2007) and inspired by the strategy "performing archives” (Clarke, 2009), Memórica commissioned DJ Monstrua Movil Discotheque and VJ Chana to create five audiovisual artworks. These works will use archival materials such as traces, ephemera, sounds, photographs, and documentary videos, as well as oral memories, as means to “perform materiality”.
By "reanimating" legacies and transmitting new artworks to the public, new encounters and interactions will be generated, which will allow us to preserve transient forms of creation through experience, memory, "affect and circulation" (Schneider, 2013).

➺ Sin grandes archivos ni colecciones, exploramos películas del pueblo Asháninca en la selva central del Perú.
María Domínguez (Short presentation)
Iniciamos nuestra investigación, con la adquisición de una película casera de 16mm, en el sitio web de Amazon por parte de Ivonne Sheen, artista y cineasta de Lima, Perú. Esta película nos lleva a explorar la historia del pueblo Asháninca en la selva central del Perú, durante la década de 1930.

Con una duración aproximada de 3 minutos, la película muestra un grupo de Ashánincas desollando a un animal, sonriendo a la cámara y marchando. Hay personajes foráneos y un desfile del ejército peruano. La caja de cartón del rollo indica: “Rio Perené. El zoológico del Perené”; “Augusto Valle Riestra. Perené".

Con estos datos comienza la investigación de estas imágenes, el origen de esta película y su relación con la historia del pueblo Asháninca. En este proceso, hemos encontrado otra película amateur de la misma época y temática, realizada por Guill

Eric Dawson

Eric Dawson is Manager of the Knox County Public Library's Calvin M. McClung Historical Collection at the East Tennessee History Center. Previously he was audio-visual archivist and Director of the Tennessee Archive of Moving Image and Sound (TAMIS). He writes on regional film and... Read More →
avatar for William  Isom

William Isom

Director, Black in Appalachia
William Isom II is a 6th generation East Tennessean and the Director of the Black in Appalachia Project. He coordinates the project’s research, community database development, documentary film and photography production, oral history collection and educational events in conjunction... Read More →
avatar for Gustavo Navarro

Gustavo Navarro

Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral. (UNPA)
Director del proyecto Memorias de la Patagonia Austral.Tiene como objetivo reubicar y organizar conjuntos de documentos a partir de la digitalización y el específico tratamiento de los mismos para su puesta en consulta pública. El Repositorio cuenta con material documental de la... Read More →

Laura Batitucci

Graduated in Cinema and Audiovisual from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Laura Batitucci has been working in the audiovisual area since 2016 as a producer, programmer and archivist. Currently serving as a secretary on the board of the Brazilian Association of Audiovisual Preservation... Read More →

Glênis Cardoso

Archivist, Cinelimite
Glênis Cardoso works with film criticism, programming and preservation. She was one of the creators of Veberenas, an online film journal which fosters dialogue around audiovisual culture from women filmmakers’ perspectives. She currently works as assistant archivist at Cinelimite... Read More →
avatar for Jo Ana Morfín

Jo Ana Morfín

TBM Conservator, Memórica
Jo Ana Morfin forma parte de la comunidad práctica dedicada al cuidado y salvaguarda de obras performativas y acervos relacionados con las tecnologías electrónicas y digitales. Desde un enfoque GLAM y a través de la combinación de aproximaciones teórico-metodológica de las... Read More →

Sandra Real

Aret Muñoz López es una comunicologa Trans Femenina No Binaria dedicada a visibilizar y participar en proyectos generados por mujeres y disidencias sexo-genéricas que apuestan por el desarrollo de socio-tecnologias en equidad alrededor de múltiples disciplinas. Desde una perspectiva... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am CEST
Classroom 1

9:00am CEST

Performance archives II
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am CEST
This session consists of 4 presentations and a joint Q&A with the presenters. The session contains:

➺ Musicultura Group - Ethnomusicological Archives and Social Conflict: Reflections on the Musicultura Group Archive 2004-2023 (Short presentation)

➺ María Jesús Lopez - Against all odds: women in the first flamenco recordings = Contra viento y marea: mujeres en las primeras grabaciones del flamenco (Short presentation)

➺ Agostina Invernizzi - Archivos hospitalarios e irradiaciones de la película Nuestra Natacha (Julio Saraceni, 1944) en Argentina (Short presentation)

➺ Dimitrije Bužarovski, Trena Jordanoska - Individuals Archives and Social Networks – New Perspectives in AV Archiving (Long presentation)


➺ Ethnomusicological Archives and Social Conflict: Reflections on the Musicultura Group Archive 2004-2023
Musicultura Group (Short presentation)
This presentation reflects on the collection generated from the activities of the Musicultura Group, which has been conducting participatory action research on music and its social impact in the favelas of Maré, Rio de Janeiro, for about twenty years. We discuss the relationship between the material generated in the research and the academic production of the group, bringing it to the creation of an archive made available for public access via a website. This stage of the work, became a priority due to the escalation of the police brutality and of violent conflicts in Rio de Janeiro's favela areas, particularly from 2019 onwards, and intensified with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Under these circumstances, a change of workspace was necessary, shifting from the Community Center for Citizenship Defense in Maré to the Escola de Música da UFRJ in Rio de Janeiro's city center. Subsequently, activities were carried out to organize, classify, and digitize this collection. This tool is envisioned as associated with the academic production carried out by Musicultura, contributing simultaneously to academic activities in the field of ethnomusicology and to knowledge production within the community itself. In this sense, strategies for dialogue with potentially interested local entities, such as public schools, memory centers, and social organizations, will also be addressed, allowing its utilization for interested groups and individuals as a reference for new possibilities in the production of collective memory, along with the return of the collection and of the group's activities to the community.

➺ Against all odds: women in the first flamenco recordings = Contra viento y marea: mujeres en las primeras grabaciones del flamenco
María Jesús Lopez (Short presentation)
Originally, flamenco performances were limited to family environments or very restricted gatherings aimed at a very specific audience. Over time, by the 19th century, the art form became professionalized and transitioned from popular and familial settings to stages. It was then that women, involved in both dance and singing, encountered rejection not only from their own families—who opposed women performing in taverns and live music cafés—but also from a deeply patriarchal society. Except for very exceptional cases, only those who sacrificed having a family life could pursue a professional career. In this presentation, we talk about recordings on wax cylinders and shellac records, preserved in the National Library of Spain, of those women who, breaking the stereotypes and barriers of their time, paved the way for those who came after them.

➺ Archivos hospitalarios e irradiaciones de la película Nuestra Natacha (Julio Saraceni, 1944) en Argentina
Agostina Invernizzi (Short presentation)
La pieza teatral Nuestra Natacha escrita por Alejandro Casona en 1935 es rápidamente acogida por el público y llevada al cine por Benito Perojo en 1936. La película homónima, según fuentes historiográficas, no se estrena, se pierde y confluye hasta la actualidad en un vacío para la historiografía del cine español. Juan Bonifacio Benavente (1987) y Román Gubern (1994) rastrean sus huellas a partir del análisis de publicaciones especializadas. La tesis de Juan Ramón Torreglosa (2016) comprende un estudio exhaustivo sobre la obra.
Tras su exilio, Casona se establece en Buenos Aires en 1939 y triunfa en la escena teatral colaborando, además, como guionista de cine. Nuestra Natacha es llevada nuevamente a las pantallas en 1944 por Julio Saraceni. El objetivo de este trabajo es actualizar un problema historiográfico e indagar sobre los sentidos irradiados por una narrativa que parte de las propuestas emancipatorias surgidas en la República, para desembarcar en la Argentina de transición de la Década Infame hacia el Peronismo. El trabajo se centrará en la recepción de la película a partir del estudio de fuentes historiográficas. Por otro lado, atenderá al análisis formal y a su relación con otros films corales de mujeres que circulan en este período en Argentina que tienen como foco la educación formal de las mujeres. La perspectiva utilizada combina nociones de la historia sociocultural de las mujeres, la teoría fílmica feminista y la historiografía del cine argentino. Se practicará una lectura hospitalaria de los archivos (Mónica Szurmuk, 2020) preocupada por expandir “tópicos que, en el contexto de su producción, pudieron resultar extemporáneos e impensables” (2020: 67).

➺ Individuals Archives and Social Networks – New Perspectives in AV Archiving
Dimitrije Bužarovski, Trena Jordanoska (Long presentation)
BuzAr (Buzarovski Archive) is undoubtedly an example of the new trends in the archiving of AV cultural heritage. With almost 3 TB of digitized and recorded AV materials (including 14 collections of folk songs, tales, customs, etc., documentary videos, recordings of concerts, Dimitrije Buzarovski's compositions, books, papers, etc.), BuzAr successfully accomplishes its mission for the preservation of Balkan cultural heritage. Established in 2012 as an archive based on the voluntary work of UKIM FM professors Dimitrije Buzarovski and Trena Jordanoska, it has become one of the major sources for Macedonian and Balkan music culture, housing over 70,000 audio, video, photo, text, and score files. In order to promote and make its digitized materials accessible, starting from May 28, 2021, the BuzAr YouTube channel was opened, with posts every four days. As of April 1, 2024, 287 videos have been posted. Additionally, a Facebook page was opened, linking to the YouTube channel and providing additional texts (in Macedonian) with explanations regarding the videos. Among the latest initiatives of BuzAr is MCMFS (Multimedia Corpus of Macedonian Folk Songs), where digitized recordings and transcriptions are combined with Sibelius score files and video recordings of performances made specifically for this occasion in 2023/2024, in an integrated video. BuzAr is an example of adjustments to new technologies, media, and particularly the competition with social networks, where individuals are making enormous contributions to the archiving processes of cultural heritage. In addition, BuzAr online files enable promotion and easy access and further indexing for AI use.
avatar for Allison Schein

Allison Schein

Archivist, Private
Allison Schein, MLIS, CA is the Director of Archives and Rights Management for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and was the former director of Media Archives for WTTW/WFMT and the Studs Terkel Radio Archive. She has collaborated with such partners as the Library of Congress, the Chicago... Read More →

Musicultura Group

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Musicultura is a participatory action research group in ethnomusicology, coordinated by professor Samuel Araújo, created between 2003 and 2004 in a partnership between the ethnomusicology laboratory of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and CEASM (Center for studies... Read More →
avatar for Agostina Invernizzi

Agostina Invernizzi

University of Granada / University of Bologna
Agostina Invernizzi is a PhD Candidate in Women’s and Gender Studies from the Universities of Granada and Bologna. She is a fellow from “la Caixa” Foundation. She has a Degree in Combined Arts (University of Buenos Aires) and a MA Degree in Women's and Gender Studies and in... Read More →

Dimitrije Bužarovski

professor, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Music
Dr. Dimitrije Bužarovski is an artist and scholar with wide-ranging interests covering the fields of music, art, and science, including composition and performance (he is both a pianist and conductor). He is the founder of the Institute for Research and Archiving of Music (IRAM... Read More →

Trena Jordanoska

Dr. Trena Jordanoska is a musicologist and professor at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Music, where she teaches courses on aesthetics of music, sociology of music, sonology and multimedia, research methodologies, music styles analysis, and musicology... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 9:00am - 10:30am CEST
Classroom 2

10:30am CEST

Morning Tea/Coffee
Thursday September 26, 2024 10:30am - 11:00am CEST
Thursday September 26, 2024 10:30am - 11:00am CEST

11:00am CEST

Research Archives - Open meeting
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CEST
It is our great pleasure to invite you to the Open Meeting which will be held at the 55th Annual Conference in Valencia.

In order to stimulate the networking of archives' representatives and with hope that it will initiate future collaborations, we will have only one topic on our agenda -- brief presentations of research archives.

Please find below the order of presenters (alphabetical):
  1. Julia Colleen Miller
  2. Marija Dumnić Vilotijević
  3. Tanja Holmen
  4. Wictor Johansson
  5. Kerstin Klenke
  6. Ana Masiello
  7. Kamani Samarashinge
  8. Jaime Humberto Silva Cabrales
  9. Filip Šir
  10. Gus Urban Navarro
  11. Ieva Weaver

avatar for Wictor Johansson

Wictor Johansson

Head of the Sound and Audiovisual Collections, Svenskt visarkiv - The Centre for Swedish Folk Music and Jazz Research
Wictor Johansson is a sound archivist and an ehthnomusicologist. He works as the head of the Sound and Audiovisual Collections at Svenskt visarkiv – The Centre for Swedish Folk Music and Jazz Research in Stockholm. He is also the secretary of the research archive section within... Read More →
avatar for Filip Šír

Filip Šír

Project Manager, National Museum
avatar for Dr. Marija Dumnić Vilotijević

Dr. Marija Dumnić Vilotijević

Senior Research Associate, Institute of Musicology SASA
Marija Dumnić Vilotijević is Senior Research Associate at the Institute of Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. She completed MA and PhD in ethnomusicology at the Faculty of Music of the University of Arts (Belgrade). She is participating at digitization projects... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CEST
Matilde Salvador

11:00am CEST

Broadcasting Audiovisual Archives II
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CEST
This session consists of 2 presentations and a joint Q&A with the presenters. The session contains:

➺ Sofia Vieira Lopes - Unveiling collective memories to create innovation: the case of the documentary “Festival da Canção 60 anos” (Long presentation)

➺ Liangming Wang, Min Wang, Jiamin Li, Yina Shi - Exploring the Use and Value of Real Historical Images in Film and Television Dramas--Taking the Television Drama "Blossoms Shanghai" as an Example (Short presentation)


➺ Unveiling collective memories to create innovation: the case of the documentary “Festival da Canção 60 anos”
Sofia Vieira Lopes (Long presentation)
In 1964, RTP – the national TV Portuguese broadcaster – created the Festival da Canção (FC), a competition to choose the entry in the Eurovision Song Contest. It is the longest-running TV show and music competition in the country. But for a long time, the FC wasn't the subject of in-depth academic work, nor it was the subject of a television work that demonstrated its musical, social, historical, and cultural relevance. As a result of the ethnomusicological research I've carried out over the last years, I was invited to do a documentary. Since RTP holds a unique audiovisual archive, it has been made exclusively from archive content: music performances, interviews, backstage images, shots of the social context, photos, paper documents, press, a.o. The documentary was the result of the collaborative work I did with an RTP director and two unexpected teams: RTP Innovation and RTP Memory channel. We shaped a scientific approach addressed to appeal to a wide-ranging audience of different ages and with diverse social and cultural backgrounds, and it was premiered in prime-time on RTP's generalist channel.
In this presentation, I will outline the challenges of negotiating two visions: the academic and the television one. Nowadays, when the legitimacy of the public media service is being questioned, this presentation is not only about the process of making this documentary, but above all about how the valorisation of the audiovisual archive, its creative use, can help the public understand the importance of archives as testimonies of the recent past.

➺ Exploring the Use and Value of Real Historical Images in Film and Television Dramas--Taking the Television Drama "Blossoms Shanghai" as an Example
Liangming Wang, Min Wang, Jiamin Li, Yina Shi (Short presentation)
At the end of 2023,adapted from the Mao Dun Literature Award work "Blossoms", directed by Kar Wai Wong(HK),the Shanghai local television drama "Blossoms Shanghai" had been launched, with a great reputation.Shanghainese seem to have opened a memory gate, collectively returning to the vibrant 1990s.Many real-life scenes from the past appear in the drama,most of these historical images were provided by Shanghai Audio-Visual Archives.In the three years, the Archives provided senior professional editors and researchers with specialized consulting services for the production team, with dedicated personnel conducting targeted queries and organizing information. They provided over 60 historical video archives for the production team of "Blossoms Shanghai", totaling over 1800 minutes.
avatar for Tre Berney

Tre Berney

Director, Digitization and Conservation Services, Cornell University Library/IASA
Tre Berney is the Director of Digitization and Conservation at Cornell University Library. He is responsible for four labs across the library, including the Audiovisual Preservation Lab, the Imaging and Scanning labs and the Conservation Lab. His foundational background is in audiovisual... Read More →
avatar for Sofia  Vieira Lopes

Sofia Vieira Lopes

Ethnomusicology Institute, FCSH NOVA University of Lisbon
She is a researcher at the Ethnomusicology Institute (INET-md) and a PhD in Ethnomusicology at FCSH, NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal), with a project funded by FCT on the RTP and Eurovision Song Contests. She has a degree and a master in Musicology - Ethnomusicology (NOVA FCSH... Read More →

Wang Liangming

Shanghai Media Group
Director of the Cooperation and Exchange Department of Shanghai Audio-Visual Archives

Min Wang

Director of the Comprehensive Compilation and Research Department of Shanghai Audio-Visual Archives
avatar for Jiamin Li

Jiamin Li

Shanghai Media Group
Senior Editor and Researcher
avatar for Yina Shi

Yina Shi

Shanghai Media Group
Senior Editor and Researcher
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm CEST
Classroom 2

11:00am CEST

Collection Building II
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm CEST
This session consists of 5 presentations and a joint Q&A with the presenters. The session contains:

➺ Joshua Ng, Cynthia Wu, Karyn Lo, Victoria Chu - Preserving New Zealand's Audiovisual Heritage: The Utaina Project (Short presentation)

➺ Andreia Duarte - Tracing paths towards the dissemination of Portuguese sound memories on coarse grove discs: a contribution to overcome legal and bureaucratic barriers (Long presentation)

➺ Iva Horová - 100 years of futile effort. Will it be enough? (Short presentation)


➺ Preserving New Zealand's Audiovisual Heritage: The Utaina Project
Joshua Ng, Cynthia Wu, Karyn Lo, Victoria Chu (Short presentation)
Embark on a journey through Utaina, a collaborative initiative spanning several years aimed at preserving New Zealand's at-risk audiovisual taonga (treasures) through digitization. This project represents a significant partnership between three prominent New Zealand institutions: Archives New Zealand, National Library of New Zealand, and Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision. Its mission is to secure these invaluable cultural artifacts for future generations. In this presentation, we will reveal the strategic alliance forged by these major institutions, combining their resources and expertise to secure essential funding for digitizing nearly 400,000 at-risk audiovisual items. Our objective is to share the experiences and insights gained during our three-year journey, offering practical lessons learned along the way. A notable aspect of the Utaina project is its successful collaboration with an international vendor specializing in large-scale digitization, who established operations within New Zealand. This approach not only brought about economies of scale but also addressed data jurisdiction concerns, a common challenge in extensive preservation efforts. Utaina serves as a valuable case study, illustrating how collaboration and innovative solutions can effectively protect a nation's audiovisual heritage. Our presentation provides an opportunity to explore the project's challenges, solutions, and successes, offering practical insights for the global audiovisual archiving community.

➺ Tracing paths towards the dissemination of Portuguese sound memories on coarse grove discs: a contribution to overcome legal and bureaucratic barriers
Andreia Duarte (Long presentation)
The University of Aveiro, a public university in Portugal, possesses one of the biggest institutionalized coarse groove disc collections in the country, while it is also one of the most representative of its type in what concerns Portuguese music. This collection has been growing since 2009 as a result of individual donations by private collectors, and there have been institutional efforts towards its preservation since then.
At the University of Aveiro, these sound carriers are digitally preserved from three main points of view: as archival objects, museum objects, and research objects, envisioning not only the preservation of the audio carriers and their contents, but also aiming to facilitate their accessibility as collective memory objects through an online digital catalogue with built-in added knowledge through research. This process has been implying the articulation of different knowledge domains: Information Science, Sound Studies, (Ethno)Musicology, Museology and Digital Humanities. In this process, there are multiple limitations, which range from lack of human resources to legal and bureaucratic challenges, and to financial and decision-making limitations. In recent years, the biggest challenge has been the dissemination of the immaterial contents of this collection.
This presentation aims to present the relevant legal and bureaucratic constraints faced in the process of disseminating coarse groove discs as collective memory objects, in Portugal, as per our experience, at the University of Aveiro. At the same time, it aims to discuss the construction of a model involving both technological, institutional, and national policy solutions, envisioning the possibility of it becoming a step forward towards unveiling national collective memory in memory and educational institutions.

➺ 100 years of futile effort. Will it be enough?
Iva Horová (Short presentation)
The presentation will start with short introducing of the monography with the Czech title The Archive, which was not. The book is one of the outputs in the frame of five-year project “New Phonograph. Listen to the sound of history” solved under the Czech National museum during years 2017-2022. That collective monography (ten authors, eight chapters, chronological outline, big English resume) covers more than hundred years of efforts to establish the Czech national sound institution to be responsible for the Czech national sound heritage. The book come out in the middle of the 2022 and there was no progress until then. We were forced to close the portal National Phonoteque, which aimed to be a branch information point In the same year.
We did not stop to push the idea during the next years. We started to negotiate direct with the Czech Ministry of Culture, the book was presented on TV, in the newspaper…. It seems we have achieved certain results, which I want to introduce you.
avatar for Somaya Langley

Somaya Langley

Digital Preservation Manager, Science Museum Group
Somaya Langley has a background in the arts, culture, festivals, broadcast, and ICT, in particular producing, presenting, promoting, and preserving digital content. She has worked in Australia, Germany, and the United Kingdom, for organisations including the Australian Broadcasting... Read More →
avatar for Joshua Ng

Joshua Ng

Digital Preservation Analyst, Archives New Zealand
Joshua Ng is a Digital Preservation Analyst, specialising in digital audiovisual preservation. He is responsible for the digital preservation system strategy at Archives New Zealand, ensuring that processes are in place to enable the long-term preservation of trusted government information... Read More →
avatar for Cynthia Wu

Cynthia Wu

Digital Preservation Technical Specialist, National Library of New Zealand
Cynthia Wu is the Audiovisual Digitisation Leader at the National Library of New Zealand. She leads a team of subject matter experts across National Library and Archives to digitise and preserve their audiovisual collections and holdings under the Utaina project.

Karyn Lo

Karyn has an academic background in Japanese and Zoology. She has recently completed a Masters of Arts in Museum Studies with a research thesis focusing on engaging community voices such as Asian New Zealanders through sister cities, local government, and museums. Karyn has discovered... Read More →

Victoria Chu

Film and Audiovisual Specialist, Archives New Zealand
Victoria Chu is the Film and Audiovisual Specialist at Archives New Zealand. She is has been involved in the Utaina mass digitsation project as a subject matter expert and is also one of the quality control supervisors.  She has been an audiovisual professional for over 25 years... Read More →
avatar for Andreia Duarte

Andreia Duarte

PhD Student, Institute of Ethnomusicology - Center of Studies in Music and Dance (INET-md)/ University of Aveiro
Andreia Duarte is a PhD candidate in Music – Ethnomusicology – at University of Aveiro since 2019. She holds a Master’s degree in Music Teaching - Saxophone (2018), and a Licenciate (BA) degree in Music - Saxophone Performance (2015) from the same university. Since 2018, she... Read More →
avatar for Iva Horová

Iva Horová

project manager, consultant, private
Iva Horová is a musician, musicologist, and librarian. She has focused on sound documents, particularly their description and digitization, since the start of her career in the Library of the Academy of Performing Arts (AMU) in Prague. She has been involved in national sound archive-related... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm CEST
Aula Magna

11:00am CEST

Performance Archives III
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm CEST
This session consists of 3 presentations and a joint Q&A with the presenters. The session contains:

➺ Kamani Samarasinghe - Safeguarding Sri Lanka's Musical Heritage: Restoration and Digitization of W. B. Makulloluwa's Historical Field Recordings (Short presentation)
➺ Filipa Magalhães - Contemporary Music in motion: an integrated methodology to preserve works including heterogeneous sources. (Short presentation)
➺ Alexander Waterman - Sobremesa: Archiving Performance, Performing Archives. (Long presentation)


➺ Safeguarding Sri Lanka's Musical Heritage: Restoration and Digitization of W. B. Makulloluwa's Historical Field Recordings
Kamani Samarasinghe (Short presentation)
Renowned musicologist William Banda (W. B.) Makulloluwa (1922–1984) played a pivotal role in safeguarding Sri Lanka's rich folk music traditions. Recognizing the intrinsic value of village songs and the traditional Sinhalese singing style embedded within local communities, Makulloluwa traversed villages, meticulously documenting captivating melodic patterns that resonated with the hearts of the inhabitants. This paper focuses on the restoration and preservation efforts directed towards an obscure collection of Makulloluwa's field recordings. Collaborating with the National Archives Sri Lanka, the author meticulously restored spool tape recordings and digitized the soundtracks. Each tape underwent thorough examination, cleaning, and documentation, accompanied by the photographing of tape containers and associated notes. Upon successful digitization, the recordings were systematically cataloged, encapsulating a diverse array of songs and music. The collection includes Veddas' Music, lullabies, songs from the Catholic population, instrumental music, and compositions from folk rituals.

➺ Contemporary Music in motion: an integrated methodology to preserve works including heterogeneous sources.
Filipa Magalhães (Short presentation)
Most contemporary music creations composed from the 1950s onwards display a combination of diverse sources, idiosyncratic languages and unconventional performance techniques. However, their documentation is often scattered across various archives, both personal and institutional, posing significant challenges for archival preservation. These challenges not only affect the reproducibility of the works but also difficult user access. Without clearly established connections between these disparate sources, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the works becomes demanding. Moreover, many of these compositions incorporate recordings, such as magnetic tape, which have become obsolete over time. Thus, for archival purposes, it becomes imperative to trace the treatment given to each document as a thread guiding the historical narrative. Analysing archival practices and their context, along with information storage and use, provides insights into broader historical inquiries. Tracking the evolution of information over time enables addressing fundamental questions about the nature of these compositions. In this paper, I advocate for a novel approach to enhance practical usability, one that can seamlessly integrate into future digitization, organization, and documentation processes for contemporary music collections. My aim is to increase existing documentation with contextual information and explore methodologies for establishing interrelationships among various documents, thereby fostering a holistic understanding of the works. This interdisciplinary approach, drawing from musicology, archival science, and digital humanities, seeks to streamline the efforts of archivists while enhancing information accessibility for users.

➺ Sobremesa: Archiving Performance, Performing Archives.
Alexander Waterman (Long presentation)
Alex Waterman, archivist at The Kitchen in New York City, will present on the vast audio and video archive that he is stewarding and making more widely available to the public. Audio and video documentation of performances are never a full picture and are often terribly inadequate. Waterman will speak about current strategies and programs he has put in place to address the silences and limits of performance documentation. Alongside digital preservation efforts, Alex Waterman and his colleague Angelique Rosales Salgado, started two different series of radio broadcasts-- Off the Page, and Sobremesa: Archiving Performance, Performing Archives-- where they could spotlight histories in the archive and invite scholars and artists to discuss the questions around “performance archives” and what the limits of audio-visual documentation are. Off the Page proposed an act of translation beyond the “archival” document to engage in dialogues with artists, audiences, and researchers who have produced and supported experimental work. Sobremesa asks “What is a performance archive? What are its limits if any of a movement-based, time-based archive? What are the infrastructures and value systems within?” The Kitchen was founded as an artist collective in 1971, by Woody and Steina Vasulka, and was formalized as a nonprofit art space in 1973. It was among the very first American institutions to embrace the emerging fields of video and performance, while presenting visionary new work in established disciplines such as dance, music, literature, and film. The Kitchen Archive contains over 4000 audio and video recordings and 400 linear feet of posters, artist editions, and other ephemera.
avatar for Jo Ana Morfín

Jo Ana Morfín

TBM Conservator, Memórica
Jo Ana Morfin forma parte de la comunidad práctica dedicada al cuidado y salvaguarda de obras performativas y acervos relacionados con las tecnologías electrónicas y digitales. Desde un enfoque GLAM y a través de la combinación de aproximaciones teórico-metodológica de las... Read More →

Alexander Waterman

The Kitchen, NYC
Alex Waterman is a composer, performer, scholar, and archivist exploring how social bodies can live and work together in more musical ways. He has created a diverse body of works including sound installations, film, and video works, exhibitions, amateur choral works, radio and film... Read More →
avatar for Kamani Samarasinghe

Kamani Samarasinghe

Senior Lecturer, University of the Visual & Performing Arts
Kamani Samarasinghe is a Ph.D. scholar and Senior Lecturer at the University of the Visual & Performing Arts, Colombo, Sri Lanka. She is a member of the National Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage, International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)-Sri Lanka, International... Read More →
avatar for Filipa Magalhães

Filipa Magalhães

Researcher, CESEM NOVA FCSH, Nova University of Lisbon
Filipa Magalhães is a researcher at the Centre for the Study of the Sociology and Aesthetics of Music (CESEM). She completed her Ph.D. in Musicology (2020), a Master’s degree in Musical Arts, a Bachelor’s degree in Musicology at the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and more recently... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 11:00am - 12:30pm CEST
Classroom 1

12:30pm CEST

Thursday September 26, 2024 12:30pm - 2:00pm CEST
Thursday September 26, 2024 12:30pm - 2:00pm CEST

2:00pm CEST

Thursday September 26, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm CEST
This session consists of 3 presentations and a joint Q&A with the presenters. The session contains:

➺ JIASUI LING - The Expeditions and Recontextualization of Chinese Music Wax Cylinders (Short presentation)

➺ Linnea Semmerling - Caring is sharing: An attachment-based approach to the preservation of sound art and cassette culture (Short presentation)

➺ Zane Grosa - Echoes of History: Exploring Sound, Technology, and Sonic Undercurrents (Long presentation)


➺ The Expeditions and Recontextualization of Chinese Music Wax Cylinders
JIASUI LING (Short presentation)
As Kunst wrote "Ethnomusicology could never have grown into an independent science the gramophone had not been invented." (Jaap Kunst 1959:12) As the material carrier, the wax cylinder not only records the immaterial sound and culture of the Other, but also carries the memory and history on global interaction beyond time and space of the ethnomusicologists/archivists and regional musical cultures. This paper aims to pursue the implicit multiple narratives of interconnection and communication written by several "expeditions" of archival materials and archivists, emphasizes that history is not only of human which is referred to as "his/her-story", as well as of material which is "its-story".

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries,12 western explorers, missionaries and scholars including Berthold Laufer and Friedrich Weiss came to China and collected numerous precious Chinese music with nearly 1000 wax cylinders which are currently preserved in different overseas’ archives. The voyage of thousands cylinder has brought Chinese voice to western world, it has become the cornerstone of East Asian Studies. Some recordings have been published as teaching materials in ethnomusicology classes in American universities today. 100 years after the recording, some recordings have returned to Chinese's vision through digital technology and repatriation practice, filling the gap of the so-called "dumb Chinese music history". These collections are constantly being interpreted and stimulated in multiple archival narratives through recontextualization.

➺ Caring is sharing: An attachment-based approach to the preservation of sound art and cassette culture
Linnea Semmerling (Short presentation)
The presentation will inventory current heritage practices for sound art and cassette culture from the 1970s to the 1990s. It will analyze different approaches to preservation at online platforms and alternative databases (f.ex. Discogs or Tape Mag) as well as at institutional collections and exhibitions (f.ex. Fales Special Collections or ZKM Karlsruhe). Specific attention will be paid to community involvement, i.e. the ways in which producers, distributors, and audiences participate in defining, acquiring, cataloguing, storing, and making accessible the archival materials. The analysis of these heritage practices will be guided by Antoine Hennion’s sociology of attachments, challenging the separation of archivist and archival object. This will result in the proposition of an archival network structure for sharing attachments among the communities of sound art and cassette culture. Conclusions will also be drawn for the archiving practices of other distribution-based arts, including video art.

➺ Echoes of History: Exploring Sound, Technology, and Sonic Undercurrents
Zane Grosa (Long presentation)
Our cultural and historical legacy resonates through the world of sound recordings – immortalising artistic performances, oral traditions, and a myriad of environmental and educational content. Technology and its advances has been the key in making this rich heritage accessible to ever-expanding segments of society, enabling the preservation and dissemination of our auditory past.
The National Library of Latvia is focusing on the evolution of sound recording and playback technologies throughout the 20th century with a major exhibition opening at the end of April 2024. From the phonograph and wax cylinders to the era-defining boombox and compact disc, it will explore the journey of dominant sound carriers and their players, reflecting on their profound impact on society and culture. A particular focus of the exhibition is the local history of sound recordings and playback devices, shedding light on their availability, consumption patterns, and socio-cultural significance.
Additionally, my presentation will illuminate the audio cassette market in Latvia during the 1980s – the time when Latvia was still behind the ‘iron curtain’. The exploration of the covert world of audiocassette trading and listening to 'undesirable' Western popular music shows the role of audiocassettes as not only carriers of music but also as artefacts of dissent, resistance and cultural expression.
By contextualizing sound technologies within the broader socio-cultural milieu, this presentation seeks to foster a deeper appreciation for the cultural and historical importance of sound recordings while promoting understanding of the environments in which they were created and distributed.

avatar for Andrew Martin

Andrew Martin

Digital Preservation Coordinator, National Museum of Australia


Shanghai Conservatory of Music
Ling Jiasui, Ph.D. in Ethnomusicology, assistant researcher, currently employed in the Audiovisual Archives Department of the Library of Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Graduated from Shanghai Conservatory of Music and completed a postdoctoral program at Shanghai Jiao Tong University... Read More →
avatar for Linnea Semmerling

Linnea Semmerling

Director / Assistant Professor in Sound Studies and Sound Art, IMAI - Inter Media Art Institute / Leiden University
Linnea Semmerling is director at the Düsseldorf Inter Media Art Institute (IMAI) and assistant professor in sound studies and sound art at Leiden University's Sound Studies Center (SSC). Recent research and exhibition projects into IMAI's distribution archive of more than 3.000 works... Read More →
avatar for Zane Grosa

Zane Grosa

Head of Audiovisual Collection, National Library of Latvia
Zane Grosa has studied and played classical music for many years, and holds a Master’s degree in music performance, as well as Information Management degree. She began work at the National Library of Latvia in 2008 by cataloguing sound recordings, and since 2012 is the Head of Audiovisual... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm CEST
Classroom 2

2:00pm CEST

Approaching Climate Change
Thursday September 26, 2024 2:00pm - 4:00pm CEST
This session consists of 3 presentations and a joint Q&A with the presenters. The session contains:

➺ Daniel Ángeles Hernández, Laura Alhach Castro - Film and Audiovisual Archives: The Climate Footprint of Our Memory (Short presentation)

➺ Jose Luis Maire - Recording the Catastrophe: sound archives, phonographies, sound art and ecoacoustics (Long presentation)

➺ Mirerza González-Vélez - Cambio climático y los desafíos para la preservación digital del acervo sonoro y audiovisual en Puerto Rico y el Caribe: tres casos de estudio (Panel session)


➺ Film and Audiovisual Archives: The Climate Footprint of Our Memory
Daniel Ángeles Hernández, Laura Alhach Castro (Short presentation)
Film archives safeguard and preserve physical media and digital files. However, the ecological impact of accomplishing this task is considerable. Today, in the midst of climate upheaval and uncertainty, we ask ourselves about the balance between the preservation of our species' audiovisual memory and the mitigation of its environmental impact.

Understanding that each archive operates in a specific way regarding its collection and contextual needs, the dialogue between two Latin American film archives in Mexico and Colombia and one in Spain, allows for a comparison of the various economic, social and geopolitical factors for decision making. This, faced with the challenge of preservation and its ecological relationship.

Amongst other concerns, we ask ourselves: to what extent should we be willing to modify film preservation strategies in relation to their intrinsic environmental impact? Should the loss factor, the quality of the files or the non-rescue of certain films, as an ecological care strategy, be assumed? Could the generation of more democratic access strategies for film archives justify their carbon footprint in order to navigate the crisis?

Specifically, with this research we propose to delve into the possible practices of film archives in relation to new preservation and dissemination strategies, as a response to the climate upheaval and uncertainty. Thus, reflect on the historical and colonial responsibility of the Global North towards the Global South, pondering on the ethical place of audiovisual memory preservation and its balance in the face of ecological heritage conservation.

➺ Recording the Catastrophe: sound archives, phonographies, sound art and ecoacoustics
Jose Luis Maire (Long presentation)
In the past decade, the climate crisis and its ecological, social, and political effects have significantly increased the number of academic studies dedicated to bioacoustics and ecoacoustics. Ecoacoustics is a new scientific discipline that investigates the relationship between natural and anthropogenic sounds and the environment. Additionally, there has been a growing interest in these types of publications among non-scientific readers, including naturalists, biodiversity advocates, musicians, and sound artists. Moreover, there have been recent publications on animal musicalities, such as Rachel Mundy's (2018) 'Animal Musicalities: Birds, Beasts, and Evolutionary Listening' and 'Listening After Nature Field: Recording, Ecology, Critical Practice’ by Mark Peter Wright (2022), ‘Exploring the Ecologies of Music’ by Makis Solomos (2023), and ‘Histoire naturelle du silence’ by Jérôme Sueur have challenged the traditional boundaries between music/culture and nature, leading to a re-evaluation of the concept of nature and its relationship to the fields of ethnomusicology and musicology. Furthermore, a relatively new phenomenon is the consolidation of a musical and sound discipline called Phonography, which is based on field recordings of animals, plants, environmental sounds, and those of human origin. This presentation discusses the interrelation between sound archives, focusing on commercial and scientific recordings of whales, birds, and bats and the sound practices. It also explores the work of some sound artists as examples. The aim is to reflect, therefore, on the need to respond, from the sound archives, to a concept of nature that is not reduced to an external, separate, excluding and transcendent power.

➺ Cambio climático y los desafíos para la preservación digital del acervo sonoro y audiovisual en Puerto Rico y el Caribe: tres casos de estudio
Mirerza González-Vélez (Panel session)
Esta mesa, moderada por la Dra. Mirerza González Vélez, examina tres estudios de caso y como en cada uno se documenta el "presente" de archivos sonoros y audiovisuales en el contexto de Puerto Rico ante desastres naturales y eventos extremos relacionados con el cambio climático. Explora, así mismo, cómo se insertan en estos procesos prácticas de humanidades digitales y éticas de curaduría y preservación digital para lograr efectivamente su rescate y manejo.
1."Humanidades digitales, preservación digital, y la documentación del huracán María en Puerto Rico", presentado por el Dr. Joel Antonio Blanco Rivera, investigador de la Escuela Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museografía, discute el ensayo multimedia, "Huracán María" , un trabajo académico y reflexivo sobre el impacto del Huracán María en Puerto Rico y los esfuerzos comunitarios y colaborativos durante los primeros meses de recuperación. “Dicotomías cotidianas ante la escasez de recursos y el cambio climático” presentado por la Mtra. Hilda Teresa Ayala, directora del Archivo General de Puerto Rico, discute acciones y determinaciones que se han ejecutado en busca de un balance en los esfuerzos por cumplir con las prácticas de preservación digital de colecciones patrimoniales en Puerto Rico con recursos insuficientes.
Mientras, “(Co)Laboratorio de Humanidades Digitales: Procesamiento Mínimo de Colecciones Especiales del Patrimonio Cultural” presentado por la Mtra. Mila Aponte González, de la UPR-RP, Facultad de Humanidades, discute un modelo de experiencia académica que ha permitido innovaciones en la preservación digital del acervo sonoro en Puerto Rico. Discute la experiencia en preservación del programa radial 1-2-3 Probando.
avatar for Rosie Rowe

Rosie Rowe

IASA VP of Conferences, The AV Collective
Rosie Rowe, an audiovisual preservation specialist with over 25 years of experience, is the founder and owner of The AV Collective. Specializing in audiovisual preservation, access, collection management, infrastructure design, and workflow consultation, The AV Collective prioritizes... Read More →
avatar for Daniel Ángeles

Daniel Ángeles

Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola
Daniel Ángeles studied Communication at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and a Master's Degree in Film Archives at Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola (EQZE). He has worked collaboratively with texts on cinema and audiovisual media for different magazines such as Código... Read More →
avatar for Laura Alhach

Laura Alhach

Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola
Laura Alhach studied Anthropology at Universidad de los Andes , and two Master Degrees in Ethnographic Documentary Film at UCL and Film Archives at Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola. She has been Editorial Coordinator of the Audiovisual, Sound and Interactive Media Public Policy of the... Read More →
avatar for Jose Luis Maire

Jose Luis Maire

Head of the music section of the Library, Biblioteca y Centro de Apoyo a la Investigación (Fundación Juan March)
He is a musicologist and experimental musician, currently serving as the head of the music section at the Library and Research Support Center of the Fundación Juan March. He has coordinated conferences on the documentation of sound art and experimental music, as well as on the ethics... Read More →
avatar for Mirerza González-Vélez

Mirerza González-Vélez

Academic Dean, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto Rio Piedras
González-Vélez is Dean for Academic Affairs at UPR-Rio Piedras. Holds a Ph.D. in Mass Communication and Journalism from the University of Iowa. Her research explores digital cultures, communication and imagined identities. Her most recent scholarship addresses Caribbean digital... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 2:00pm - 4:00pm CEST
Aula Magna

2:00pm CEST

Institutional Histories II
Thursday September 26, 2024 2:00pm - 4:00pm CEST
This session consists of 5 presentations and a joint Q&A with the presenters. The session contains:

➺ Shadreck Bayane, Ogone Phidelia Phetlhu - On the Spotlight: Inside SABC’s Radio Bantu Preservation Pursuits, Any Breakthroughs? (Short presentation)

➺ Dagmar Brunow - Lost in Collaboration? Countering the risks around queer archival ethics of care (Short presentation)

➺ Gisa Jähnichen - The first Audiovisual Archive of Laos: A Case of Lacking Access to Gathered Knowledge (Long presentation)

➺ Juanma Ferrando-Cuña - The Limits of Representativeness: the 'Manuel Palau' Sound Archive of Traditional Valencian Music (Short presentation)


➺ On the Spotlight: Inside SABC’s Radio Bantu Preservation Pursuits, Any Breakthroughs?
Shadreck Bayane, Ogone Phidelia Phetlhu (Poster)
Critical to the life of any radio station is the capacity of its’ sound archive to build up and maintain collections as a permanent source of material for use in programmes. Focusing on Radio Bantu, it was launched in the 1960s by the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) as a fully-fledged station for African listeners in their different languages and started streaming online recently in July 2023. Despite the station’s rich historic heritage and huge listenership, very little of Radio Bantu sound content has been preserved so much so that concerted efforts are ongoing to get the collection back to SABC. Regional Archivists are trying to source and search for this material to augment the collections. What progress has been made so far, anything to show? What are the challenges, and prospects? This study investigates. It explores possible ways of putting in place a practical and comprehensive program of strategies geared towards facilitating and accelerating the process of identifying, selecting, acquiring, appraising, cataloguing, and preserving more recorded content for the Station. Based on personal observations, surveys and literature review, the assessment takes a look at the formation and evolution of recorded sound collections at SABC – with the findings highlighting gaps and omissions thereof – and proposes a lasting solution going forward which includes consideration and adaptation to technology.

Keywords: South African Broadcasting Corporation; SABC; Bantu Radio; Recorded sound collections; Technology

➺ Lost in Collaboration? Countering the risks around queer archival ethics of care
Dagmar Brunow (Short presentation)
What happens when LGBTQIA+ grassroot, minor, or community archives decide to collaborate with national audiovisual archives? In an attempt to safeguard LGBTQIA+ collections in a sustainable manner, to preserve analogue films, or to reach out to wider audiences via online platforms, minor archives are nonetheless facing risks around collaborations, in terms of archival ethics of care (Brunow 2024) and around the ambivalence of visibility. Examples would be the ‘un-unboxing’ and ‘unqueering’ of collections with regards to catalogue terms and metadata, and of “naming, shaming, framing” (Brunow 2018). One of the primary risks of these collaborations lies in the potential erasure of the specific (sub)cultural and historical contexts of LGBTQIA+ materials. National audiovisual archives may prioritize standard cataloging terms and metadata that do not adequately reflect the identities and experiences represented in queer collections. This can result in the loss of nuance and the flattening of diverse narratives within the LGBTQIA+ community. Presenting results from my current research project “The Lost Heritage: Improving Collaborations between Digital Film Archives (Swedish Research Council, 2021-2024), this paper points at the risks around such collaborations and discusses how they might be overcome.

➺ The first Audiovisual Archive of Laos: A Case of Lacking Access to Gathered Knowledge
Gisa Jähnichen (Long presentation)
The Audiovisual Archive established at the National Library of Laos is the first of its kind in that small land-locked Southeast Asian country. Since the inauguration of the National Library Media Section in 2001, many people made use of it as a source of knowledge gathered through sound and visuals, additional materials, and the personal experiences of the recordists. Now, the time comes that recordists retire, don’t re-visit the places of recordings, and don’t remember their experiences. How can the National Library deal with this problem?
In a small country like Laos, the problem is still small as expected. This short presentation will analyse the previous users, the knowledge buried under all examples of recordings and records. It will analyse the absent urges and necessities in order to be a decent member of their society. In the process of analysis, the real lack of access will play a predominant role. Current habits of modern field researchers from various institutions may also be of interest. Another point of worries is the amount and quality of questions arising from contemporary researchers who want to know more about the past. Any future digitisation or archival work must possibly include the way of obtaining all kinds of knowledge and personal experiences. The research is new to the body of knowledge, and it is focussing on previously non-published work.

➺ The Limits of Representativeness: the 'Manuel Palau' Sound Archive of Traditional Valencian Music
Juanma Ferrando-Cuña (Short presentation)
In recent years, ethnomusicology has shown remarkable interest in the new possibilities for study posed by field recordings, considering them not only as techniques for reproducing a sonic past, but also as production tools capable of generating new ways of constructing acoustic memory in listeners. This invites, among other issues, addressing the various uses, beyond purely scientific ones, that are currently given to this type of documentation. But also, to review under what conditions and according to what criteria the process of elaboration of the sound files was carried out.
This communication focuses on the study of the 'Manuel Palau' sound archive of traditional Valencian music, compiled in the 1950s. First, it will determine the criteria followed by researchers to determine which music they recorded, and the method followed in the recording process. Second, it will reflect on the role played by these recordings as representative sonic documents of a community's sonic reality or as reflections of an idealized past, and how they are used as validation, authentication, and (re)construction documents of new and old sonorities from various music revival movements.

avatar for Pedro Félix

Pedro Félix

Coordinator, National Sound Archive - Installation team
Pedro Félix is the coordinator of the Installing Team of the National Sound Archive, a structure created by the Portuguese Government (http://arquivonacionaldosom.gov.pt).He is a member of research centres at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (since 1997) and collaborated with the Fado Museum (since 2005).He was part of the team responsible for the preparation of the Fado proposal to UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage (2005-2011, coordinating fieldwork... Read More →
avatar for Shadreck Bayane

Shadreck Bayane

Botswana Investment & Trade Centre
A seasoned and Certified Records Analyst, Shadreck Bayane is currently working for the Botswana Investment & Trade Centre in Gaborone, Botswana, as a Records Specialist. He holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Archival Science from the University of South Africa. His current research... Read More →
avatar for Ogone Phidelia Phetlhu

Ogone Phidelia Phetlhu

Sound Archivist, South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC)
Ogone Phidelia Phetlhu is currently a Sound Archivist for National Setswana Radio station Called Motsweding FM at South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC), based in Mmabatho – Northwest Region. She was previously an Archival Assistant at University of the Witwatersrand (Wits... Read More →
avatar for Dagmar Brunow

Dagmar Brunow

Professor of Film Studies, Linnaeus University
Dagmar Brunow is professor of film studies at Linnaeus University, Sweden. Her research centres on archives and audiovisual heritage, cultural memory, documentary filmmaking as well as feminist and queer experimental filmmaking and video practice. She is the author of Remediating... Read More →
avatar for Gisa Jähnichen

Gisa Jähnichen

Prof. (Ecomusicology), Shanghai Conservatory of Music
Gisa Jähnichen, Prof. Dr., recently teaching and researching at Shanghai Conservatory of Music. She is member of numerous professional organisations on music and archiving, Her many writings are distributed all over the world. The website to be consulted is https://gisajahnichen... Read More →

Mutanu Kyany'a

Head of Programs and Outreach, African Digital Heritage
Mutanu is a digital society scholar who works with African communities to identify how they can use technology to protect, preserve and promote their culture and heritage assets. She has extensive experience in designing holistic digital approaches that support research and innovation... Read More →
avatar for Juanma  Ferrando-Cuña

Juanma Ferrando-Cuña

Universidad de Salamanca
Thursday September 26, 2024 2:00pm - 4:00pm CEST
Classroom 1

3:00pm CEST

Formats II
Thursday September 26, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm CEST
This session consists of 3 presentations and a joint Q&A with the presenters. The session contains:

➺ Dave Rice, Bryce Roe, Karl Fleck - DAT's True: Continuing Research into New Methods to Preserve Digital Audio Tapes (Long presentation)

➺ Bárbara Albuquerque, Pedro Plaza Pinto - Unveiling Hidden Treasures: Cataloging and Preserving Curitiba’s Super-8 Collection (Short presentation)

➺ Adele Gorini, Marco Catapano - Dealing with Software: Archiving Challenges in the World of Electronic Music Composition (Short presentation)


➺ DAT's True: Continuing Research into New Methods to Preserve Digital Audio Tapes
Dave Rice, Bryce Roe, Karl Fleck (Long presentation)
At the 2022 IASA conference, a panel gathered to discuss their research and advancements in Digital Audio Tape (DAT) preservation methods, including reviewing the history and opportunities of transferring DAT’s using data drives (DDS) rather than unpredictable original DAT machines. In the spring of 2024, the Northeast Document Conservation Center received an NEH Research and Development grant to continue to build upon this research.

We’ll discuss the specific goals of this project by covering new strategies to overcome hardware obsolescence; highlight the accompanying open-source software development, as well as, educational resources; and provide a show-and-tell of the current status of this DAT preservation initiative.

➺ Unveiling Hidden Treasures: Cataloging and Preserving Curitiba’s Super-8 Collection
Bárbara Albuquerque, Pedro Plaza Pinto (Short presentation)
Preservation is a fundamental pillar of the audiovisual sector, ensuring the maintenance and diffusion of film heritage. In Brazil, as in other countries, the neglect towards preservation has become increasingly evident. Established in 1975 Curitiba’s Cinemateca is the sole example of an archive established and maintained by public authorities in Brazil and one of the only institutions responsible for audiovisual preservation in the city, holding materials for which there is an interest in preservation. This ongoing research seeks to comprehensively catalog the institution's Super-8 collection, identifying its physical characteristics and deterioration degree. This collection has remained largely inaccessible to the public and researchers since its initial production in the 1970s, coinciding with Brazil’s military dictatorship from 1964 to 1985. The research endeavors to continue the fieldwork, using established manuals and film-handling guides to facilitate the cataloging process. The study aims to identify specific conservation needs by analyzing the gathered data, thereby enhancing preservation efforts. Grounded in a descriptive exploratory approach, this research draws from a thorough literature review. Preliminary findings reveal that the collection is made of reversible materials, on acetate support and an optical recording system. Of the 110 documents in the collection, 37 have been cataloged, with a majority assigned a technical grade of 1B. Preservation challenges include the deterioration of seams and the absence of information regarding authorship, production dates, and deposit records. The analyzed sample predominantly consists of fictional works. This study stands as a plea for preserving the cultural legacy born from the Super-8 movement.

➺ Dealing with Software: Archiving Challenges in the World of Electronic Music Composition
Adele Gorini, Marco Catapano (Short presentation)
The purpose of this presentation is to investigate the challenges that electronic music composers face in their work with modern music application software, especially from a digital archiving perspective. Through a survey conducted among electronic music composers around the world, it became clear that the preservation of digital objects created by these artists needs wider attention since the early phases of their creation. Indeed, the introduction of music software has influenced not only the approach to composition but also the archival and conservation process of these digital artifacts. The massive use of proprietary music software and the lack of knowledge on the good practices to be adopted in the creation and conservation of audio files risks to compromise the interoperability, accessibility and reusability of these compositions. Highlighting the different practices adopted in the saving procedures, this analysis aims to find the more appropriate ones in order to assure preservation and future accessibility.
In conclusion, this work tries to take a first step in training electronic music composers on the importance of a correct management of the digital sound archives they created, both for themselves and for future generations.

avatar for Dave Rice

Dave Rice

Dave Rice is an audiovisual archivist and technologist and a graduate of the L. Jeffrey Selznick School of Film Preservation. Dave’s work focuses on the application of open source technology for audiovisual preservation as well as facilitating coordination and collaboration between... Read More →
avatar for Bryce Roe

Bryce Roe

Director of Audio Preservation Services, NEDCC
As the Director of Audio Preservation at NEDCC, Bryce supervises a staff of audio preservation engineers and specialists and manages NEDCC's audio preservation program, which uses both traditional playback and optical-scanning technologies (a.k.a., IRENE) to digitize at-risk audio... Read More →

Karl Fleck

Northeast Document Conservation Center
Karl Fleck is an audio preservation engineer at the Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) in Andover, Massachusetts. He specializes in the preservation/digitization of audio from magnetic and grooved formats. He presented “Speed and Configuration Changes: a Solution to... Read More →

Bárbara Albuquerque

Federal University of Paraná (UFPR)
Bárbara Albuquerque holds a degree in Cinema and Audiovisual from the State University of Paraná, completed the "Diplomatura en Preservación y Restauración Audiovisual" offered by the Sociedad por el Patrimonio Audiovisual, and is currently pursuing a master's degree in History... Read More →

Pedro Plaza Pinto

Associate Professor in the Department of History and the Graduate Program in History at the Federal University of Paraná. Ph.D. in Communication Sciences from the University of São Paulo. Completed postdoctoral studies at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies at the University... Read More →
avatar for Adele Gorini

Adele Gorini

PhD student, University of Bologna
Adele Gorini is a doctoral student at the Department of Cultural Heritage of the University of Bologna, specializing in archival science. Her research interests are particularly focused on personal digital memories. With a master’s degree in Book and Document Science at the University... Read More →
avatar for Marco Catapano

Marco Catapano

Marco Catapano is an Italian music composer, producer and DJ active in many fields of the electronic music spectrum. He worked on music for theatre, a live soundtrack project for the movie ‘The Red Desert’ by Michelangelo Antonioni and a sound installation in Milano Marittima... Read More →
Thursday September 26, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm CEST
Classroom 2

4:00pm CEST

Afternoon Tea/Coffee
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:00pm - 4:30pm CEST
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:00pm - 4:30pm CEST

4:30pm CEST

Conference closing
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:30pm - 5:30pm CEST
Thursday September 26, 2024 4:30pm - 5:30pm CEST
Aula Magna

7:30pm CEST

Closing Dinner: Ateneo Mercantil Restaurante
Thursday September 26, 2024 7:30pm - 9:30pm CEST
Thursday September 26, 2024 7:30pm - 9:30pm CEST
Ateneo Mercantil Restaurante
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